User Experience thinking

Your users are at the heart of everything we do, from accessibility considerations to personalised, feature-rich systems.

Designing the user experience

UX thinking for you
and your customers

With all of our digital design, we place the users at the heart of our decision-making. Our view is that to meet your organisation objectives, we have to ensure that we meet your user’s needs. If your audience don’t have a good experience, they wont complete their shopping cart, or submit that form and ultimately your objectives wont be met.

Human-centered Design

How we do it

We have two variations to our UX design approach, one for projects where we are starting from first principles, and designing something new. The second is where we are providing continued UX services after a new project, or helping you with your existing platform to help make improvements.

Approaching new projects

It’s so important to understand your users – especially if it’s a new project, with a new set of requirements. That’s why we use tried and tested methods to get to know your users as soon as possible.



We get to know who your users are, we carry out user research activities to inform us of who they are, what they need and want us to avoid before writing up our findings into a report. 



We carry out further analysis to understand what differences there are to identify the user types. This analysis feeds into the creation of personas, where we identify the differences in user needs, objectives, and pain points. We now understand who we are designing the solution for.



Now that we know what the structure is, we start the process of wire framing pages to set out the hierarchy of content and the functionality of the solution. We also start to consider the user journeys across pages by plotting out calls to action.



Before we go into the development phase, we validate the design and functional decisions that we have made by ensuring that your users are able to curry out the tasks needed to meet the business need. Any improvements that are identified during user testing are then added to the designs / requirements.

UX thinking - new solution

Approaching existing projects

For existing projects, either after we have gone live (waiting for a few months to gather gather data on users behaviour), or for an existing project that we are coming to afresh; below sets out our approach.



When the platform has been in use for a period of time, we can begin examining and analysing user date. We are looking for areas where it is under performing. How are they using the platform? Where are they dropping out of user journeys?



Armed with the data, we hypothesise why these issues are happening before designing solutions to fix them. This might be as simple a the copy being used, button placement, position of a call to action; or something more fundamental affecting functionality.



We can then design and prototype solutions with an aim to prove our hypothesis. We either wireframe or make changes to the designs to set out what changes we plan to test.



For simple changes we could carry out A/B tests to see if these small changes fix the issues identified. For larger changes to functionality, we need to carry out user testing to ensure that the changes we have designed are going to solve our issues before we go make any changes to the code.

UX thinking - Existing solution
The Digital Experience

The Digital Experience

The user experience is not our only consideration when looking at engagement with digital products and services.

We believe that the entire digital experience (DX) the users have, needs to be fully considered to truly resonate with your audience.

Designing the structure of your solution

Whilst DX has its primary focus on the user’s experience, we also incorporate additional disciplines. Business analysis informs the functional and business decisions that we make and QA is important in terms of producing a bug-free experience. These two disciplines can have as much of an impact on the quality of the experience as the UX element of the project.

We have therefore brought these three disciplines into a single approach to our work. From concept to delivery, this is a nose-to-tail design methodology…

Tiny Spark - DX
UX Idea

Our UX Services

Explore all of our UX services and find which one would best suit your project’s needs.